Towards an Effect System in Scala, Part 1: ST Monad

Referentially Transparent Mutable State

In their paper “Lazy Functional State Threads”, John Launchbury and Simon Peyton-Jones present a way of securely encapsulating stateful computations that manipulate mutable objects. The result is Haskell’s ST monad. Its definition is very similar to the State data type. In Haskell, the ST monad is used to thread the manipulation of mutable state in such a way that the mutation is completely referentially transparent, because it is a type error for a mutable object to escape the monad.

I would like to present an implementation of this in Scala, which I recently committed to the Scalaz library. I was inspired to write this by Tim Carstens last summer, but never found a way of encoding the requisite rank-2 types in Scala’s type system in such a way that what should work does and what shouldn’t doesn’t. But Geoff Washburn got me going again. Following the technique on his blog, of representing universal quantifiers as doubly negated existentials, I was able to encode ST in a way that’s surprisingly nice to use, and actually does give you type errors if you try to access a naked mutable reference. And as Mark Harrah has pointed out, we end up not having to use the double negation after all. I’m surprised to find that doing this in the obvious way in Scala, just works.

OK, let’s get to the money. In Scala, we can declare the ST data type as follows:

case class World[A]()

case class ST[S, A](f: World[S] => (World[S], A)) {
  def apply(s: World[S]) = f(s)
  def flatMap[B](g: A => ST[S, B]): ST[S, B] =
    ST(s => f(s) match { case (ns, a) => g(a)(ns) })
  def map[B](g: A => B): ST[S, B] =
    ST(s => f(s) match { case (ns, a) => (ns, g(a)) })

def returnST[S, A](a: => A): ST[S, A] = ST(s => (s, a))

This is a monad in the obvious way. The flatMap method is monadic bind and returnST is monadic unit.

The World type represents some state of the world, and the ST type encapsulates a state transformer which receives the state of the world and returns a value which depends on that state together with a new state. Here, we are representing the world state by nothing at all. It turns out that for what we want to do with the ST monad, the contents of the state are not important, but its type very much is. A much more detailed explanation of how and why this works is given in the paper, but the punchline is that we are going to “transform the state” by mutating objects in place, and in spite of this the state transformer is going to be a pure function. This is achieved by guaranteeing that the type S for a given state transformer is unique. More on that in a second.

Purely Functional Mutable References

A simple object that we can mutate in place is one that holds a reference to another object through a mutable variable.

case class STRef[S, A](a: A) {
  private var value: A = a

  def read: ST[S, A] = returnST(value)
  def write(a: A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] = ST((s: World[S]) => {value = a; (s, this)})
  def mod[B](f: A => A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] = for {
    a <- read
    v <- write(f(a))
  } yield v

def newVar(a: => A) = returnST(STRef(a))

So we have monadic combinators to construct, read, write, and modify references. Note that the implementation of write blatantly mutates the object in place. The definition of mod shows how to compose state transformers in sequence, using monad comprehensions.

It’s important that an STRef is parameterized on a type S which represents the state thread that created it. This makes variables allocated by different state threads have incompatible types. Therefore, state threads cannot ever see each other’s mutable variables. Because state transformers can only be composed sequentially (with flatMap), it’s guaranteed that two of them can never simultaneously mutate the same STRef.

Running a State Transformer as a Pure Function

Note that the type of a reference to a value of type A in a state thread S is ST[S, STRef[S, A]]. If ST had a run function of type ST[S, A] => A, we would be able to get the reference out. But this type is more general than we want. What we want is for the compiler to reject code like newVar(10).run, which would give you access to the naked STRef, but to accept code like newVar(10).flatMap(_.mod(x => x + 1).flatMap(read)).run, which simply accesses an integer.

In Haskell, the type of runST is:

runST :: forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a.

This is a rank-2 type which Scala’s type system does not directly support.

To see why this type would prevent the leaking of a mutable reference, consider the type you would need in order to get an STRef out of the ST monad.

forall a. (forall s. ST s (STRef s a)) -> STRef ??? a

What type should go in place of the three question marks? There is no type that could possibly fit the bill because the type s is bound (introduced) by the universal quantifier to the left of the arrow. It’s a local type variable in the domain of the function, so it can’t escape to the codomain. This is why ST state transformers are referentially transparent.

Of course, if you get the value out of a reference, then you can run that just fine. In Scala terms, you can always go from ST[S, A] to A, but you can never go from ST[S, F[S]] to F[S] for any F[_].

Writing runST in Scala

So the problem becomes how to represent a rank-2 polymorphic type in Scala. I’ve shown before how we can represent a rank-2 function type by encoding it as a natural transformation. And Mark has posted on how to write natural transformations using universally quantified values. (And I just now realized that he’s using functional state threads for non-observable mutation!)

First, we need a representation of universally quantified values:

trait Forall[P[_]] {
  def apply[A]: P[A]

Now that we have rank-2 polymorphism, the implementation of runST is straightforward:

  def runST[A](f: Forall[({type λ[S] = ST[S, A]})#λ]): A =

I’m using the “type lambda” trick here to declare the type constructor inline. The realWorld object is just a dummy value.

Some Examples

Here’s a simple example of a computation that creates a mutable reference and mutates it:

def e1[S]: ST[S, STRef[S, Int]] = for {
  r <- newVar[S, Int](0)
  x <- r.mod(_ + 1)
} yield x

And this expression creates a reference, mutates it, and then reads the value out:

def e2[A] = e1[A].flatMap(

Running the latter expression is fine, since it just returns an Int:

runST(new Forall[A] { def apply[A] = e2 })

But running the former fails at compile-time because it exposes a mutable reference. Or rather, because when the compiler tries to unify with our existential type, it’s out of scope:

runST(new Forall[({type λ[S] = ST[S, STRef[S, Int]]})#λ] { def apply[A] = e1 })

found   : scalaz.Forall[[S(in type λ)]scalaz.ST[S(in type λ),scalaz.STRef[S(in type λ),Int]]]
required: scalaz.Forall[[S(in type λ)]scalaz.ST[S(in type λ),scalaz.STRef[_ >: (some other)S(in type λ) with (some other)S(in type λ), Int]]]

What are the practical implications of this kind of compile-time checking? I will just quote Peyton-Jones and Launchbury:

It is possible to encapsulate stateful computations so that they appear to the rest of the program as pure (stateless) functions which are guaranteed by the type system to have no interactions whatever with other computations, whether stateful or otherwise (except via the values of arguments and results, of course).

Complete safety is maintained by this encapsulation. A program may contain an arbitrary number of stateful sub-computations, each simultaneously active, without concern that a mutable object from one might be mutated by another.

This can be taken much further than these simple examples. In Scalaz, we have STArrays, which are purely functional mutable arrays. There’s an example of a pure binsort which uses a mutable array for sorting.

This technique can be extrapolated to implement Monadic Regions (currently underway for Scalaz), which allows compile-time tracking of not just mutable arrays and references, but file handles, database connections, and any other resource we care to track.

What we have here then is essentially the beginnings of an effect system for Scala. This allows us to compose programs from referentially transparent components which are internally implemented with mutation and effects, while those effects are guaranteed by the type system to be transparent to the rest of the program.

13 thoughts on “Towards an Effect System in Scala, Part 1: ST Monad

  1. Runar,

    As usual very interesting and illuminating!

    I guess, in the first listing, line 11, there should be another type parameter S:
    def returnST[S, A](a: => A): ST[S, A] = ST(s => (s, a))
    instead of
    def returnST[A](a: => A): ST[S, A] = ST(s => (s, a))

    Looking forward to the next parts!


      • Similarly, for e1 to be accepted one needs:
        def newVar[S, A](a: => A): ST[S, STRef[S, A]] = returnST(STRef(a))

        To run e2 one needs:
        runST(new Forall[({type ?[S] = ST[S, Int]})#?] { def apply[A] = e2 })
        or as an alternative, one needs to reuse ForallST posted by Mark Harrah below by typing:
        type ForallST[A] = Forall[({type λ[S] = ST[S, A]})#λ]
        runST(new ForallST[Int] { def apply[A] = e2[A] } )

      • Other typo, realWorld is not defined and cannot be a val since it must have type “forall A. World A” (in Haskell notation), so I typed:

        def runST[A](f: Forall[({type ?[S] = ST[S, A]})#?]): A =

  2. Pretty neat. It’s too bad that the call to runST is more type annotation than it is actual code… although I suppose you only have to do that once “at the end of the universe” so it isn’t so bad?

    I’m still sort of undecided on the utility of doing this in Scala – just to play devils advocate – if you need to do some local mutation for purposes of implementing an algorithm (like, say, quicksort), just don’t mutate anything passed into your function. Is there much benefit in convincing the compiler you’ve done this properly? I am not sure I care about having compiler help with this. I’ve used plenty of “non-observable” side effects like this in code I write, and I can’t think of a time when I’ve introduced a bug due to allowing these effects to accidentally escape the scope I intended…

    And for doing IO, accessing files, etc, inverting control and using something like Iteratees gives you a better API, one that’s actually composable.

    What do you think is the killer app for this technology, if any?

    • Paul,

      I’m looking into using this with iteratees. Imagine something like an Enumeratee a (ST s) b for accessing files and database connections safely in a channel s.

      A big difference between doing local “non-observable” side-effects, and using STRefs is that an ST s (STRef s a) is reusable and composable. For example, you can quite safely create an STRef, mutate it to your heart’s content, and then pass it to other functions who can continue mutating it. It’s all perfectly safe because if you ever runST those mutations, they will all run in separate state threads (so they won’t actually be mutating the same reference).

      One nice application of this technology is the ability to track things like file handles and database connections. For example, we can guarantee in the type system that a database connection is always finally closed, and that a closed database connection is never accessed.

  3. Actually, after thinking about it some more, I think I’ve partially answered my own question. If I were writing an imperative quicksort, I would probably copy the input sequence to an array, mutate it in place during the sort, then return some immutable view of the sorted array. With STRef, I can accept an STRef to a mutable array, and avoid making a copy at all. Furthermore, my imperative actions are first class and I can use all the usual combinators for combining them.

  4. Nice post. Can you clarify why the double-negation encoding is necessary? Forall is the encoding of a universally quantified value by itself, so implementing it directly seems sufficient.

    It looks like DNE is a stronger way to write literal rank-2 functions than what I came up with in Part 7. It doesn’t look like it is fundamentally necessary for ST in Scala, though.

    scala> type ForallST[A] = Forall[({type λ[S] = ST[S, A]})#λ]
    defined type alias ForallST

    scala> runST(new ForallST[Int] { def apply[A] = e2[A] } )
    res: Int = 1

    scala> runST(new ForallST[Int] { def apply[A] = e1[A] } )
    : error: type mismatch;
    found : scalaz.ST[A,scalaz.STRef[A,Int]]
    required: scalaz.ST[A,Int]
    runST(new ForallST[Int] { def apply[A] = e1[A] } )

    (Here’s hoping wordpress can handle the lambda.)

  5. Does anyone have a link to an explanation of the “({type λ[S] = ST[S, STRef[S, Int]]})#λ” type annotation? I’ve seen it in other places and it’s been referred to as “partial type constructor application” and “type lamba” and I think I understand what that all means. AFAICT it seems to mean taking a type of M[A, B] where B is known and applying it so the type can be used as M[A] and used as such. But the exact syntax of it escapes my understanding.

    • It’s exactly as you say. We’re just declaring an anonymous module inline. It has a type member called λ and we’re dereferencing this member at the end, with #λ.

      You could write it like this:

      trait Unnamed {
        type Apply[X] = ST[X, Ref[X, Int]]

      And then you would say Unnamed#Apply instead of ({type λ[S] = ST[S, STRef[S, Int]]})#λ.
      The “type lambda” is just to save typing (no pun intended).

      • Ok, that makes sense now. I think the 2 things I was missing from the puzzle was that you could declare an type alias like that and that you could use type aliases in type annotations via #. That is no longer the scary shit I declared it to be to a coworker. :)

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